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Wat zijn de beste anti aging producten?

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Thu Feb 18 2016 10:10:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Have you been looking for years for an anti-aging product that will make your wrinkles disappear forever? Or have you been wondering for a long time which cream, serum or exfoliator is best for your skin? Then you are not alone. Nowadays, there are many products on the market to prevent premature skin aging. From day and night anti-aging creams to eye creams and serums. But which products are the most suitable now?

Anti-ageing with antioxidants

After years of research, it has been found that skin products containing antioxidants visibly improve the skin. Antioxidants consist of vitamins and minerals that combat the effects of free radicals. Every day, our skin is exposed to free radicals, such as air pollution, sun rays, stress, or synthetic additives to food. But cell division in your body or your natural immune system can also form free radicals.

What does a good anti-aging product do?

A good skin care product that contains powerful antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C and E, not only protects the skin against damage, but also stimulates the recovery process. The best anti-aging products will therefore reduce fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation and actually promote cell division. One example of a skin care line that has added antioxidants is SkinCeuceuticals.


We advise our clients to use SkinCeuticals' anti-aging products as soon as the first signs of skin aging begin. This brand's skin care products contain ingredients such as vitamin A, antioxidants, alpha hydroxy acids, adaptogens and peptides. In addition, the creams contain a sunscreen factor. As a result, the skin is optimally protected against free radicals.