Bags under your eyes, dull skin, wrinkles... When you look tired, that can be extremely difficult. Especially when you actually feel really fit! Moreover, a tired appearance is not always the result of too little sleep or poor diet. Sometimes it's just in your genes. Fortunately, you can do something about it.
Hyaluronic acid fillers, carboxytherapy, Eye rain treatment, laser skin tightening or blepharoplasty? There are several treatments available to get rid of your bags or dark circles under your eyes. During us wall office hours you will receive more information about the treatments and we can give you personal treatment advice.
A botox injection reduces the stimuli that nerves send to muscles. As a result, muscle strength decreases so that the skin relaxes and wrinkles and fine lines on your face become less visible. With a laser treatment, you make the skin less dull and you can remove irregularities such as blood vessels and pigmentation.
Because a surgical facelift can be a major treatment, a liquid facelift a better alternative. This does not require cutting. Using fillers, among other things, the volume of your skin has been restored. In our clinic, a pioneer in the field of Liquid facelifts, we draw up a customized treatment plan for you.
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