Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result

Kwaliteit en veiligheid

Quality and safety

Cosmetic treatments require a safe environment, and you deserve a place where this safety is guaranteed. Our clinic is regularly inspected for safety, both by ourselves and during inspections by the Ministry of Health.

Aside from the praise from the inspector, you can rest assured that at Kliniek Dokter Frodo, nothing is left to chance. Our entire team is highly qualified and extremely motivated to ensure the best results, both in terms of safety and the quality of our cosmetic treatments.

Clinic safety

At Kliniek Dokter Frodo, we only use body-friendly products that can be safely broken down. All the products we use, such as Botox and fillers, are FDA-approved and carry the CE marking (Consumer Safety Marking by the European Union). Our cosmetic doctor is a member of the NVCG, the Dutch Society for Cosmetic Medicine, ensuring we meet strict quality standards.

Safety in the Skin Center
In our Skin Center, we work with highly experienced beauty therapists and skin therapists who are members of the ANBOS trade association and the Dutch Society of Skin Therapists. We only use products that are carefully tested, highly effective, and safe. Our beauty specialists and skin therapists have extensive experience and the necessary qualifications in dermatology, peels, laser treatments, IPL hair removal, and mesotherapy. Additionally, they are trained weekly by our doctor in various treatment techniques to ensure we always provide you with the best care.

Veiligheid in het huidcentrum

In ons Huidcentrum werken we met zeer ervaren schoonheidstherapeuten en huidtherapeuten die zijn aangesloten bij de branchevereniging ANBOS en de Nederlandse Vereniging Huidtherapeuten. We gebruiken alleen producten die zorgvuldig getest, zeer effectief en veilig zijn. Onze schoonheidsspecialisten en huidtherapeuten hebben veel ervaring en de benodigde diploma’s voor dermatologie, peelings, laserbehandelingen, IPL-ontharing en mesotherapie. Daarnaast worden ze wekelijks door onze arts getraind in verschillende behandeltechnieken, zodat we jou altijd de beste zorg kunnen bieden.


‘Simply the best!’
At Kliniek Dokter Frodo, we only work with the best medical specialists, (inter)national professional associations, and manufacturers. Who? You can find them below:

(Inter)National Professional Associations

  • Dutch Society for Cosmetic Medicine
  • Dutch Society for Cosmetic Surgery


  • Restylane
  • Sanofi Aventis | Sculptra
  • Mertz | Radiesse
  • Rioblush
  • Allergan
  • Botox
  • Neostrata