Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result

MD Codes™

With the MD Codes™, we can give you, as a client, more insight into the proportions and anatomy of the face, as well as the most natural treatment techniques.

Illustration of MD Codes, an advanced technique for strategically applying fillers to specific areas of the face, aimed at restoring volume and improving facial contours for natural rejuvenation.
Illustration of MD Codes, an advanced technique for strategically applying fillers to specific areas of the face, aimed at restoring volume and improving facial contours for natural rejuvenation.

The 75 different MD Codes™ in the face are a type of geographical point that allows us to communicate about cosmetic treatments. With these codes, we divide the face into different areas and sub-areas that allow us to make communication clearer. We use it for teaching, peer consultation and communicating with clients.

With the MD Codes™, we are introducing a new way of looking at cosmetic treatments.

With the MD Codes™, we divide the face into zones. This allows us to discuss the filler treatments with you clearly and tailor them perfectly to your individual needs. For a natural result, it is important to restore the altered anatomy (caused by facial aging). The MD Codes™ are filler injection points. By treating the right points, you get exactly the result you want: lift and refresh the face and improve problem areas in a natural and safe way.

MD Codes™ insight into aging and treatment plan

Why MD Codes™

Treatments are often more difficult to understand than people often think. Faces vary by ethnicity. With age, facial proportions change. Your face is losing muscle tissue and fat (unfortunately in the wrong place). The bone structure changes.
Because the skin does not shrink but rather stretches, it comes loose. Your face is getting smaller, as it were, but the skin around it isn't. This causes wrinkles, creases and imperfections and causes the face to draw.

With the MD Codes™, we can explain this process more easily and convert it into a well-founded treatment plan.

C-lift puffiness treatment md codes

What makes MD Codes™ different from other treatment methods?

At many clinics, cosmetic treatments are often ad hoc, where the problem area is addressed and treated purely focused on immediate customer satisfaction. This is also known as the Quick-fix. For many people, the Quick-fix is the best solution, because it's more convenient financially or because they simply like it better. However, we think differently about that.

We treat in a well-founded scientific way. With the MD Codes™, we give you insight and control. We are good at explaining what we are going to treat, where we are going to treat, why we treat where, what remedy we use, etc.
By maintaining this structural way of working, the predictable results and can we have a guarantee natural results. At the same time, it is a scientific and holistic approach to treatment, taking much more account of the proportions and changing anatomy of the face. Instead of adding weight and volume where the problem is, we focus more on the source of the problem where we have the hyaluronic acid fillers places.


How do you determine MD Codes™?

Exactly which locations need to be treated depends on genetic predisposition, skin structure, bone structure, age, wishes, expectations, etc. The face loses volume from the age of twenty-five. Our goal is to keep this in balance.

We can do what treatment is important for your appearance - your presence - during the consultation make it clear for you. We do this, among other things, by a 3D analysis to create where you can see your own face from all sides. We look at how many and in which defining zones you need a volume change.
Next, we create a treatment plan with you with a combination of treatments that take you from your current situation to the end result.

Your own step-by-step plan to a fresh, energetic and beautiful appearance.

Who is MD Codes™ treatment for?

We treat people with a tired face, saggy face, sad appearance or angry appearance with the MD Codes. This treatment method is also suitable for people who want to look more feminine or masculine, more attractive, younger and fresher.

These facial expressions are often not due to a particular feature, but are usually a combination of different facial features. For each facial expression, we will draw up a treatment plan based on your wishes. With the MD codes, we can draw up a treatment plan in the long term. Your face stays better balanced for a more natural effect.

Fill the chin with fillers

C'est la presence qui fait la musique

Beauty is relative and cultural. The beauty that people are striving for today is different from that of the Golden Age. The beauty ideals in the Netherlands are different from those in Japan. But appearance is timeless. The appearance is limitless. Appearance is present anytime, anywhere.

A well-done treatment says more about presence than about beauty. Essentially, every person is beautiful, but not everyone exudes this. We look beyond what is seen at first glance. We are ignoring superficial beauty. Together with you, we choose character. Character with charisma. Appearance where you feel most comfortable.

The MD Codes™ were created by Mauricio de Maio, plastic surgeon and international trainer for Juvéderm.

Advantages and disadvantages

From a puffiness treatment


  • Natuurlijke resultaten: MD Codes richten zich op het verbeteren van de gezichtsstructuur zonder het gezicht "overbehandeld" te maken. Het helpt om het volume te herstellen en de gezichtscontouren te verfijnen, wat resulteert in een subtiele, maar effectieve verjonging.
  • Precisie: De techniek is gebaseerd op een gedetailleerde kaart van de gezichtsstructuur, wat betekent dat behandelingen nauwkeurig kunnen worden uitgevoerd om precies de juiste gebieden te verbeteren.
  • Veiligheid: Door de precisie en systematische aanpak worden er minder risico’s op complicaties, zoals asymmetrie of overcorrectie, gecreëerd. Het maakt de behandeling veiliger.
  • Geoptimaliseerde resultaten: De MD Codes helpen behandelaars om de juiste hoeveelheid filler op de juiste plekken in het gezicht aan te brengen, wat zorgt voor een langer en beter resultaat.
  • Verbeterde behandelervaring: Omdat de methode een uitgebreide en systematische aanpak biedt, kunnen behandelaars de behandeling sneller en efficiënter uitvoeren, wat resulteert in een meer comfortabele ervaring voor de patiënt.
  • Harmonie en balans: Door de gezichtsbehandeling volgens specifieke codes toe te passen, zorgt het voor een harmonieus resultaat dat het gezicht als geheel verbetert, in plaats van alleen afzonderlijke problemen aan te pakken.


  • Minder precisie: Zonder de systematische aanpak van de MD Codes kan het moeilijker zijn om nauwkeurig te bepalen waar fillers moeten worden geplaatst voor de meest natuurlijke en effectieve resultaten. Dit kan leiden tot inconsistentie in behandelingen.
  • Risico op asymmetrie: MD Codes zijn ontworpen om de gezichtsstructuur in balans te brengen. Zonder het gebruik van deze codes kan het moeilijk zijn om de symmetrie van het gezicht te behouden, wat kan leiden tot een onnatuurlijk resultaat of asymmetrie.
  • Onvoldoende volumeherstel: MD Codes helpen om het volume op de juiste plekken in het gezicht te herstellen. Als een behandelaar deze benadering niet volgt, kunnen bepaalde gebieden onderbehandeld of overbehandeld worden, wat de esthetische balans van het gezicht kan verstoren.
  • Minder natuurlijk resultaat: De MD Codes richten zich op het verbeteren van de gezichtsstructuur op een natuurlijke manier, door de juiste gebieden te behandelen zonder overcorrectie. Zonder deze methodiek kan het resultaat minder subtiel en natuurlijk ogen.
  • Minder efficiëntie: MD Codes bieden een gestructureerde en efficiënte manier om een behandeling uit te voeren. Zonder deze aanpak kan de behandeling langer duren en minder effectief zijn, vooral als de behandelaar geen ervaring heeft met het nauwkeurig inschatten van de gezichtsstructuur.

Why choose Doctor Frodo Clinic?

Clinic Doctor Frodo combines years of experience with a unique holistic approach. We work with the innovative MD Codes™ technique to naturally beautify your face, while paying attention to the whole picture. Our experienced doctors only use the best and safest biodegradable fillers, such as Restylane and JUVÉDERM®.

We focus on personal care: from an extensive intake to a customized treatment plan. Thanks to our expertise and focus on safety and quality, you are assured of subtle and harmonious results that are completely right for you.


What others say about us

Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.



I immediately felt in good hands

“The entire experience was professional and enjoyable. During the consultation, everything was clearly explained. I felt in good hands from the first moment. The result is beautiful and natural.”

79 years
Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.



My face shines again

I get a lot of compliments for looking beautiful without people being able to say exactly why. That subtle, natural effect is exactly what I was looking for. I absolutely recommend Dr. Frodo!

76 years
Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.Icoontje van een ster, symbool voor beoordelingen en reviews.



Youthful appearance back

I suffered from loss of volume and less clear contours in my face, but after the treatment, everything looks fresh and youthful again. My face now has beautiful, natural contours.

58 years

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MD Codes™



Are puffiness permanent or temporary?

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MD Codes™ is an advanced injection technique that strategically places fillers at specific points in the face. The goal is a natural and harmonious improvement of facial structure.

What's the difference between puffiness and dark circles?

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Puffiness is swollen areas under the eyes caused by accumulation of fat or fluid. Dark circles are caused by shading, pigmentation or blood vessels that become visible through thin skin. However, both problems can occur together.

How can you reduce bags under the eyes?

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You can reduce puffiness through a healthy lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep, a balanced diet and quitting smoking. For permanent solutions, you can come to Kliniek Dokter Frodo for treatments such as fillers and skin therapy.

Are there effective anti-puffiness treatments?

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MD Codes™ are suitable for anyone who wants to reduce wrinkles, restore volume, or improve the overall balance and symmetry of the face.

Are MD Codes™ Treatments Safe?

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Yes, MD Codes™ treatments are safe when performed by experienced physicians. At Clinic Doctor Frodo, we only use high-quality and biodegradable fillers such as JUVÉDERM®.

How does an MD Codes™ treatment work?

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During a treatment, we first analyze your face and discuss your wishes. Fillers are then strategically injected based on the MD Codes™ to achieve the desired result.

Why MD Codes™ at Doctor Frodo Clinic?

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At Clinic Doctor Frodo, we work with the most experienced doctors who specialize in MD Codes™. Our holistic approach and focus on subtle, natural results make us the choice for this advanced technique.