Saffron is seen as an exclusive product and was once more expensive than gold. Not surprising when you consider that the production of one kilogram of the highest quality saffron requires approximately 150,000 flowers and approximately 400 hours of labor to manually harvest the flower's small, fragile stamp twigs. Saffron is known for its medicinal properties, rejuvenating properties, natural antidepressants, promoting memory and concentration, aphrodisiac, for a higher concentration level, against insomnia and its balancing effect on the mind. It is also an important ingredient in various medicinal recipes and cosmetic products. Saffron enhances beauty and softens and evens out of the skin. Cleopatra already used saffron in the bath for fragrance and for her home, Saffron helps make the skin smoother and softer. In addition, saffron has an anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore also be used against skin complaints. The use of saffron, for example, has a positive effect on various skin problems such as acne and psoriasis. In our waiting room, we serve saffron tea from Result Golden Saffron. To prepare tea: Soak approximately 5-10 saffron threads (approximately 30 mg) in a cup with a little bit of water. Then add water, which has just come out of the boil, for a cup of saffron tea!
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