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Stretch marks

Can you get rid of stretch marks for good?

Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the body. You know it, small lines on the skin a few inches long and a few millimeters wide. When stretch marks have just appeared, these lines are pink to red in color. After some time, the redness disappears and white or silver streaks remain. Unfortunately, this skin disfiguration is difficult to remove. The subcutaneous scars cannot be removed. Nevertheless, stretch marks can be reduced considerably. For good?

Remove stretch marks

You can reduce stretch marks with the help of various treatments: Laser, carboxytherapy, microneedling or a combination treatment. We will discuss which treatment is most appropriate during an initial and free consultation.

  • Carboxytherapy improves skin circulation, making way for scar tissue to softer connective tissue. The skin becomes tighter and the color less bright. Stretch marks are therefore less noticeable. The treatment should be repeated at least four times for best results.
  • Microneedling causes tiny holes in the skin, causing the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The result is stronger and firmer skin.
  • With Laser we are improving the skin. It tightens and the color difference between the stretch marks and normal skin decreases.
  • By treating the skin even more with glycolic acid, the effect is further enhanced.

The above treatments can also be combined. In our clinic, we recommend that you also Tretinoin Cream with Vitamin A Acid to use. This cream inhibits the breakdown of collagen and enhances the result.

Preventing stretch marks

Stretch marks are not always preventable. Sometimes stretch marks are hereditary or you are more at risk, for example during pregnancy or puberty when your body grows rapidly. However, you can reduce stretch marks, for example by:

  • regularly lubricate your skin with anti-stretch mark creams that contain the ingredients central Asiatic extract, alpha tocopherol and collagen elastin hydrolysates;
  • to stimulate your skin's blood circulation by alternating cold and hot showers;
  • to strengthen the skin with tights, bra or belly band.

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