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Cosmetic procedures: the men speak.

More and more men are visiting a cosmetic clinic and getting treatment with, for example botox, fillers whether carboxy. The number of male visitors is also growing significantly in our clinic. Three men who regularly visit our clinic give their opinion about aging, cosmetic procedures and its prices. Let me introduce myself: Pierre is 48 years old and lives in Amsterdam, he visits our clinic to treat his forehead wrinkle with Botox. Thijs is 39 years old and lives in Amsterdam, he visits our clinic for the Botox anti-perspiration treatment because he suffers from excessive sweating. Johan is 44 years old, lives in Utrecht and visits our clinic for carboxytherapy treatment because of the blue circles under his eyes.

1. What do you think about anti-aging through cosmetic procedures for men?

Pierre: It's contemporary. People go to the gym, sunbed, eat responsibly, etc. to stay in shape and look good. So why not do something about wrinkles, for example? “Clothing makes the man” but only in combination with a well-groomed head/rested face. Thijs: Fine, provided the result is natural. Johan: You don't prevent aging, but you can add some cosmetic accents to make the image just a little fresher and less tired. Everyone has to do what they think they should do for themselves. So if men want a cosmetic procedure, they should mainly do it. As long as they do it for themselves and not for someone else. Ultimately, you are not only the fresher image that your face exudes after the treatment, but you are also the person who chooses to intervene cosmetically. If you can live with that, I see a cosmetic procedure as “convenient and nice that it exists”.

2. What do you think about the prices for cosmetic treatments?

Pierre: I think the prices are a bit too high. I need a higher dose and need to come back earlier than usual. This is because my facial muscles are not easily impressed by Botox (I think). But Frodo provides a bit of customization when it comes to Botox and it often works out. I think it's a shame that it's not affordable for many people. I am of the opinion that if you look in the mirror after a treatment, you are much happier and more confident in your life. Thijs: The treatments are not cheap, but so are most cosmetic products. Johan: The prices are a bit high, but I wouldn't cut corners. It's more about trust than I was looking for a price fighter in this market.

3. More and more men are visiting cosmetic clinics. Where do you think this increase comes from?

Pierre: In the media, it's only natural that men can and should also do something about their appearance. When I go to the drug store, there are various types and choices of care products for men. That used to be absent or much less so. Of course, it is now also more known and accepted that, as a man, you can also go to various cosmetic clinics. I also really like the fact that you can't see from the outside at the Frodo Clinic that it is a cosmetic clinic. I think this makes it emotionally easier for men (and women too) to step in. Thijs: The taboo that men should not do anything about their appearance is slowly disappearing. Johan: There's talk: “There's only one stone left...”, but communication about cosmetic treatments is also increasingly open and everything can easily be read about on the internet, including reviews. You're also looking for trust.

4. How would you persuade the still doubted colleague/friend to undergo treatment?

Pierre: I don't talk much about the treatments I've undergone myself yet. In general, I say that I think it's normal for people to opt for this type of treatment. For acquaintances who suffer from wrinkles, crow's feet or something, and complain about this, I promote it to at least request a consultation to talk about it and see what the options are. Then you can still decide for yourself whether or not to do it. Thijs: Show him the benefits of the result of the treatment. Johan: I'm not going to persuade anyone. By the way, if you undergo a cosmetic treatment in such a way that you undergo a slight change in identity, it can be physically beautiful, but you must also be able to cope psychologically. I wouldn't take that lightly with the doubting colleague/friend.

5. What kind of treatment can you imagine women undergoing? Why?

Pierre: Actually, all treatments. But especially where “old age” prevails and this can be prevented by many types of treatments. People don't want to live like a crumpled newspaper or old parchment. At least, this is especially true for the people I speak to. If people want to change something about themselves because they are not satisfied with it, whether it's breast augmentation, blepharoplasty or getting rid of wrinkles, if done responsibly, that's everyone's free choice and we should keep it that way. Thijs: Botox in the forehead. A fat one frown wrinkle isn't really feminine. Johan: I think I can imagine everything, but again it depends on the person.