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How to make the perfect green smoothie

By starting your day with a “green smoothie” every day, you not only feel fitter, healthier and more energetic, your skin also becomes more beautiful. Green leafy vegetables are an important source of protein, vitamins, fibres, antioxidants and minerals. They contain substances that are not found in any other type of vegetable. Green leafy vegetables also help to prevent 'acidification' of the body. This means that they contain substances that cleanse your body of toxins that can accumulate due to air pollution and processed foods. — Fill your blender with 1/3 of fresh, washed, preferably organic spinach, ¾ carrots and ¾ celery. — Optionally, add a squeezed lemon to sweeten the smoothie. Do your best to get hold of as many different types of green leafy vegetables as possible. By rotating, you can be sure that you are really benefiting from the best that nature has to offer you. Think spinach, lettuce, kale, mint, basil, chard, parsley, celery. Organic vegetables are not sprayed, they grow up in healthier soil full of important minerals and nutrients. For this reason, organic vegetables actually contain more nutrients.

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