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Lumps in your lip after a filler treatment?

Treating the area around the mouth or lips with fillers is painstaking work. Your lips are the eye-catchers of your face. It is not nice if complications occur after filling the lips with a filler treatment. Knowledge of the different types of fillers and how to administer them is therefore absolutely necessary for a safe and effective treatment. With the help of the correct injection treatment and the cosmetic doctor's insight into the lip structures, the result is optimal. In case of incorrect treatment, for example by administering the wrong fillers or the use of the wrong injection technique, however, lumps can occur in your lip. Rest assured, most of the lumps in your lip are harmless! Puffy, red lips are easy to fix by cooling the lips after treatment. Blemishes are usually temporary and can be masked with the help of foundation. But what if the complications take more serious forms?

Effects of lip fillers

Minor imperfections or swellings on the lip or mouth that can sometimes hurt and occur shortly after treatment are usually harmless. Complications that arise as a result of incorrect injection techniques, lack of experience on the part of the doctor, or the use of incorrect fillers are more serious. Symptoms that may occur include severe pain, discoloration of the skin where it hurts, or red and even bruises around the mouth. In that case, treatment to prevent permanent damage is recommended. For example, by post-treating the lips with the right fillers, a laser treatment or dissolving with hyaluronic acid. This allows the skin structure to be restored. The best thing, however, is to to prevent complications.

The right fillers for lip treatment

One filler treatment for the lips should be done carefully and quickly, because there are very many muscles in the lips and the blood flow is strong. Fillers should ensure that the structure of the lips is maintained. Difficult, because your mouth is actually moving all day long; you talk, eat, laugh... Sometimes you suffer from dry lips, while the mouth can often be very moist. For example, after drinking. Lip fillers must be able to deal with all these things and do their job. We use fillers like Juvéderm or Restylane. Home hyaluronic acid fillers consist of skin's own substances and are therefore very safe to use. The same hyaluronic acids are also used to fill in lines above the upper lip or correctly asymmetric lips.

Solve/treat lumps in your lip

Occasionally, it happens that too much of the hyaluronic acid filler has been used in the lips. Then we can do it too much dissolve hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronidase/ Hyasone we prick the filler itself and it dissolves almost immediately. The hyaluronic acid falls apart, as it were, and what remains is sugar and water. This is then simply absorbed by the body and no one can see that you have been treated.

Prevent lip lumps

Of course, even after a careful and safe lip filler treatment, it is necessary to take good care of your lips. Avoid extreme exercise and sauna visits shortly after treatment. Hot temperatures are not beneficial for lips that are still very sensitive at that time. Ensure good cooling with ice and keep your hands off the treated area for at least 24 to 48 hours. At Clinic Doctor Frodo, you are assured of specialist and certified help. Complications after a filler treatment, come to our clinic after treatment little or no for. Sometimes people get scared when they feel small bumps in their lips. But then take your lip between your lower and upper teeth and bite lightly. So you already feel that the fabric is not completely smooth. Normally, you don't think about this. Learn more about lip filling. Learn more about dissolving fillers with hyaluronidase

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