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Makeup after a botox or filler treatment: good or bad idea?

More and more women are using botox and filler treatments. The fact is that tiny needles are used to inject the substances, which can cause small red dots. Now you may have the tendency to disguise them immediately. However, it is better to wait a while before applying makeup after a botox or filler treatment, for this reason:

Infection due to makeup after botox or filler treatment

It is strongly recommended that you take at least the first four hours after the botox injection do not use makeup. Have you had a filler treatment? Then don't use makeup for at least twelve hours. If you do this, you run the risk of infections. After all, makeup is full of bacteria. Although the risk of an infection after botox is nil, you can filler treatment are slightly more likely to get an infection. Even the use of sunscreen after a filler or botox treatment is strongly discouraged. Avoid the sun and just stay inside for the first few hours. If you still want to use makeup after your botox or filler treatment, make sure it is new or bacteria-free makeup.

Move botox or fillers through makeup

Another risk you run when you use makeup after a filler or botox treatment is that you move the injected substances. Especially in the first few hours after a treatment, it is important that you do not touch your face much so that you do not move the fabrics. This prevents you from getting side effects, such as a drooping eyelid after using botox. So take it as easy as possible.