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VLOG Botox and Migraines

Botox has been shown to be effective in reducing migraines. Severe headache that comes out of nowhere and is accompanied by a throbbing sensation and sometimes nausea. These are the symptoms of migraines. One in five Dutch people suffers from regular headaches, in most cases migraines. During a migraine attack, bed rest is often the only solution. A migraine attack can often not be prevented, but it can be reduced with botox. In this video, Dr. Frodo explains how a botox treatment helps against migraines.

Botox for headache

Prior to a botox migraine treatment It looks at where the client experiences the most headache. Is this in the forehead or on the neck or on the side of the head? Migraines are most common right behind the eyes. However, this is different for everyone. It is important to locate the right spot before administering the botox for headache. This is because the botox must be injected into the right muscles, where the migraine is most severe. The botox injection gives the muscles a rest. As a result, not only the frequency of migraine attacks decreases, but also the severity of the headache.

The effect of botox

It is still not entirely clear what causes migraines. In many cases, however, involuntary muscle contractions are the culprits. Botulinum Toxin is a protein that is produced by the bacteria Clostridum Botulinum. This protein blocks the transmission of stimuli from nerve to muscle and thus has a muscle relaxant. This makes botox a good treatment to combat migraines. Botox mainly works when there is an imploding headache. Imploding headache feels like being hit on the head with a hammer, while an exploding headache feels like the head is bursting apart. Tension headaches, not the same as migraines, can also be treated with botox.

Migraine treatment with botox

Botox can be used in various ways. This depends on where the migraine occurs. One person suffers from migraines that come from the neck, the other feels migraines mainly in the forehead. The botox treatment is usually applied to both the location of the migraine symptoms and the opposite side. A botox treatment is quick and almost painless. The treatment lasts a maximum of 10 minutes and after just a few days, a migraine attack will be able to be reduced or even prevented. After about half a year, the treatment must be repeated to maintain the desired result.

Is Botox reimbursed for migraines?

Migraine treatment with botox has proven effective, which is why many health insurers reimburse a botox treatment for migraines. Do you want to know whether your health insurer also reimburses such a botox treatment? Then take a look at the website of the relevant insurer. You usually pay for the treatment yourself and can then declare the paid invoice to your health insurer. Depending on the conditions, he will then pay back all or part of the amount. More information about botox migraine treatments can be found on our website. In addition, botox also helps against excessive sweating or reducing wrinkles. Watch our videos for more information about this.

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