Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result
Your own source of youth | body cosmetics |: stem cells
Blog post

New trend: going to the cosmetic doctor together

It has been a growing trend in America for a while now: going to a cosmetic clinic as a couple. After all, you can also grow old beautifully with your partner. In the field of cosmetic treatments, there has so far been a clear separation between men and women. Women don't want their partner to interfere with what they make them do. People prefer to keep a treatment completely secret because they are afraid of being labeled as vain. But there are couples who see that differently and choose to go to the clinic together. Both partners want to look youthful for as long as possible: for themselves but also, above all, for each other! Couples who visit a clinic together find that the shared desire to grow old and glow together brings them closer together. A treatment provides positive energy that also has a positive influence on the relationship. In addition, partners can encourage each other to eat healthier and exercise regularly. It's always easier as a couple. Maybe it's something for you and your partner in 2012?

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