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Blog post

Skin treatment with blood, keep your blood healthy!

PRP (plasma skin enhancement) treatment PRP is a new and advanced treatment for skin improvement. You are treated with the power of your own blood! As part of these treatments, we will post a series of blogs about blood and the relationship between blood, beauty and health. The link between blood and health Now that we have a basic idea of the structure of blood, how it works and what important functions it has, we can look at the connection between blood, health and beauty. We have already seen that blood is the link between our diet and our body. The blood ensures that the nutrients we consume end up in the right place, and that waste products are removed from the body. This system is very important for our health. The easiest way to imagine this is if we see the body as a country with all cities that need to be supplied with raw materials through a transport system, but where garbage collection must also be provided. For the country to function properly, the trucks that transport the raw materials must be able to run smoothly, have enough of the right raw materials in and the waste must be removed at the right time. If the system does not function properly, there is a shortage of goods, residents starve to death and the streets are filled with rubble, with all the consequences that entail. It's the same with your body. The transport system is formed by the bloodstream and the trucks that travel between cities and towns are the blood cells. We need to take care of the correct functioning and a good balance. When does it go wrong? Things go wrong when the supply of good substances and the removal of bad substances get out of balance. This can be done in several ways: too few good nutrients are coming in, too many nutrients are coming in that are not removed, toxic substances are coming in... Health I — dangers to the blood and blood system Apart from the fact that, of course, we must initially ensure that we have the right nutrients get in (I'll come back to this later), it is therefore important to also ensure that our blood and bloodstream stay healthy. Dangers to the system include, for example, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream. Chosterol is a form of animal fat that we, as humans, need to produce bile. Once again, bile is needed to break down other fats. Not all cholesterol is bad for us, but we do have to be careful with the bad variant. Too much bad cholesterol can be deposited in the veins, causing them to become clogged. It then becomes more difficult for the blood to reach the right places in the body, and can even lead to a brain or a heart attack. Too much too salty eating can cause problems due to a increase in blood pressure. In short, the veins and the heart are put on extra stress, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure is also harmful to health. The high pressure damages the walls of the veins, causing calcification occurs. This makes it more difficult for the blood to perform its supply and discharge functions. High blood pressure also puts an extra burden on the heart that can lead to heart disease. Too much stress also has a very negative effect on our blood and health. Long-term stress causes high blood pressure and an increase in the number of white blood cells, making it to combat real dangers. In previous blogs:

  • Introduction

In our next blogs, we'll discuss:

  • The relationship between blood and health part II — The importance of exercise
  • The link between blood and beauty/old age
  • Healthy lifestyle = healthy blood = aging beautifully