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Stretch mark treatment: all stretch mark treatments at a glance

Remove stretch marks is difficult, after all, they are scars. There are a number of treatments that generally show good results. Unfortunately, there are also a few that are less efficacious are.

The less effective treatments for stretch marks:

Microdermabrasion In microdermabrasion, the epidermis is ground off little by little via microcrystals. The upper part of the skin layer thus renews itself. However, stretch marks originate in the underlying layers of the skin, but these remain untouched. Nor is it the case that microdermabrasion removes a layer of skin every time until you reach the bottom layer of skin and no longer have stretch marks. Stretch marks won't disappear with microdermabrasion. However, the lines will fade slightly and the structure of the skin will become softer and healthier. Chemical peeling In a chemical peel, a liquid is applied to the skin that removes the top skin cells. The effect of a chemical peel only gradually becomes visible after several sessions. The treatment only helps if you combine it with other treatments such as carboxytherapy, microneedling and/or laser. Endermology or connective tissue massage Endermology or connective tissue massage make the skin firmer and can reduce cellulite after approximately 20 treatments. The connective tissue massage improves blood circulation. This method is more than an anti-cellulite treatment than it targets stretch marks. Mesotherapy Mesotherapy involves injecting hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants into the skin. Result: healthier skin and cell renewal is initiated, so that the skin functions optimally and is nourished. Very sometimes, the stretch marks also decrease, but the result is minimal.

The treatments that show good results:

Stretch marks laser treatment

Laser stretch marks is an effective technique for treating stretch marks. It makes, as it were, microscopic holes in the skin from which the skin was rebuilt. See the blog about Laser stretch marks for more information

Carboxytherapy stretch marks treatment

Together with laser treatment, this is it most effective remedy for stretch marks. With this treatment, stretch marks can be partially and sometimes completely removed. Bee carboxytherapy gaseous CO2 has been introduced into the skin with a small needle. This improves blood flow to the skin with stretch marks, but more importantly, it ensures that scar tissue (which consists of “hard connective tissue”) is replaced by soft, normal connective tissue. This treatment is more effective than a laser treatment because the 'hard' connective tissue is therefore replaced by the 'soft' connective tissue. The structure of your skin is visibly improving. The result is already visible from the first treatment.

Micro-needling against stretch marks

Bee micro-needling stretch marks are improved by means of a roller with 200 very fine needles. The fine needles in the roller thus stimulate the skin to produce collagen and elastin. Micro-needling works best in combination with tretinoin cream because it is better absorbed by the micro-channels created in the skin.

Tretinoin anti-stretch mark cream

Vitamin A Acid, or Tretinoin cream, is the only cream that shows a good improvement in stretch marks. Thanks to this cream, the top layer of the skin renews itself, so that cell renewal gets better started and the scar tissue heals better. See blog about stretch mark cream for more information. In our clinic, we have had many good experiences with the combination treatment of carboxytherapy, laser, micro-needling and tretinoin cream. The separate treatments already improve stretch mark skin, but by combining them, the result is amazing. The color fades, the stretch marks become narrower and smaller and the skin becomes softer. In general, the following applies: the faster you treat stretch marks, the easier the stretch marks are reduced. Recent lines, which are lines less than a year old, or small lines on a small surface are easier to treat than stretch marks that have been around for years. The “older” and larger the stretch marks, the more treatments will be needed to achieve the desired result.

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