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Test: Puffiness or dark circles under the eyes?

Many people confuse dark circles and puffiness. But actually, they are two different disorders. You can find more here information about bags and dark circles under the eyes or do Doctor Frodo's puffiness test below. Test for yourself whether you suffer from dark circles or bags under the eyes:

Test 1: Light test

This tests whether the dark color under the eyes is caused by a color difference in the skin or a lack of volume. Light from above provides shade under the eyes. Light from the front or below does not shade the eyes. 1. Take a picture of your eye region with a light source/flash above you, like in the front row of photos. 2. Then take a photo of yourself with light/flash right-from-front, like in the second row of photos.

  • If the dark circles in photo 1 are worse than in photo 2 (as in all these examples), you are suffering from bags under the eyes.
  • However, if the bags remain dark for the same amount of time in both photos, you will suffer from dark circles under the eyes.

This phenomenon is also visible when you are in an elevator, walking past a shop window, or when you are at the hairdresser.

Test 2: Pencil or ruler test

1. Take a picture of your eye region from the side of your face. So you can see your face and profile. 2. Draw a line across your eyes with a pen, pencil, or ruler.

  • If there is space visible between the straight line and skin under the eyes, this illustrates a lack of volume under the eyes.

Test 3: Eye Pinch Test

1. Pint through the lashes of your eyes to tighten the eye muscles under the eyes.

  • The puffiness is likely to decrease because the round eye muscle removes the bulging fat.

Test 4: Eye Pressure Test

1. Press gently on the eyes. 2. Compare the bulging fat with/without pressing.

  • By pressing on the eyeball, you can strengthen the bulging of this fat forward. In the case of a positive eye pressure test, it is sometimes necessary to surgically improve this.

Test 5: Stretch test

1. Stretch the skin under the eyes. 2. Compare the color with/without tightening.

  • If there is an excess of pigment under the eyes, you will see that the dark circles become lighter.
  • In the case of circles due to reduced blood circulation/vessels under the eyes, you will see much less improvement in the stretch test.

Bags under the eyes

Most people suffer from bags under the eyes. Due to reduced support from the eye socket/cheekbone, a bulge occurs under the eye. Due to the bulge of fat tissue under the eye, the eye muscle stretches, causing the tissue to come out. If the cheekbones are more backward, an oblique fatigue shadow may occur over the cheek. Also become bags under the eyes more visible when the cheekbone is slightly backward. If your parents suffer from puffiness or if there are other family members with puffiness, it is more likely that you have them too and that they were visible at an early age.

Cause that causes puffiness to worsen with age:

  • Shrinking of facial bones;
  • Decrease in the volume of the cheeks;
  • Sagging of the muscle and connective tissue septum.

We can treat bags under the eyes due to a lack of volume by improving or restoring the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes due to hyperpigmentation. These dark circles are caused by too much pigment in the lower eyelids and can be improved by a peeling, bleaching cream or carboxytherapy. Dark circles under the eyes due to blue translucent skin. Here you look through the skin, as it were, and you see the superficial vessels directly under the skin. These dark circles are seen in people with light skin and little skin pigment. The best solution for dark circles is concealer.

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