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The ideal of beauty is different from one culture to another

Why are you visiting a cosmetic clinic? To have puffiness removed? Want to have fine lines and wrinkles filled? Or to restore volume to the cheekbones? For whatever reason you want to have a cosmetic treatment, a good cosmetic doctor will always ask about it. Because it's often not just about that one wrinkle, mole or blemish. After a cosmetic treatment, the patient wants to look in the mirror and think: 'Wow, there's a confident, attractive personality'. This self-image can be different for everyone. For example, there is a clear difference between people from Western and Asian cultures. That's why cosmetic doctors are watching; Dr. Frodo&Dr. Freek from Clinic Doctor Frodo always to your entire face, the big picture, before starting a treatment.

Beauty ideals in Western and Asian Culture

Performing a facial treatment does not only prevent skin aging. It is important that facial proportions are also correct and that symmetry is maintained. In Western culture, a face is found attractive when it is symmetrical, similar to the appearance of the average person, exudes youth and is sexually dimorphic, in other words, shows a clear external difference between men and women. Asian culture attaches even more importance to the characteristic of “youth”. That's why Asians prefer a heart-shaped face, where Western people prefer the female V-shape as the ideal of beauty. This difference has an effect on the facial treatment performed by a cosmetic doctor. In addition to these differences in beauty ideals, both Western and Asian cultures have one common denominator: when someone feels attractive, their quality of life improves.

Cosmetic treatment tailored to cultural differences

Since the ideal of beauty can vary greatly from one culture to another, a good intake interview is necessary before undergoing a cosmetic treatment. What culture does the client come from? What is the intended ideal image? What age is the client? And has anyone had any previous treatments? A cosmetic doctor will always ask you these questions and more before starting treatment. The facial treatment can then consist of filling in volume or removing wrinkles or fine lines. With hyaluronic acid such as Juvéderm or Restylane, which is injected, for example, the jawline are accentuated or puffiness is removed. To achieve the intended overall picture, Doctor Frodo often uses multiple techniques and combines different products. A liquid facelift or Angel lift There are examples of this.

Want to know more?

Would you like more information about complete facial treatments or other cosmetic applications, such as a botox treatment or PRP treatment? Get in touch with Doctor Frodo Clinic from Amsterdam, a private clinic that guarantees natural results through safe cosmetic treatments.