Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
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Your own source of youth | body cosmetics |: stem cells
Blog post

The link between Botox and feeling

You may have heard that there is a direct link between frowning and sadness and between smiles and happiness. As soon as we put a smile on our faces, even if we're just pretending, our body thinks we're happy and produces substances that actually make us feel happier. The opposite is just as true. When we frown, even though we have no real reason to do so, we feel physically less happy. Our facial expressions fool our bodies, as it were. A cosmetic treatment with Botox for frown lines has a similar effect. The botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles that are used while frowning. The immediate result is that not only frowning is prevented, but also the production of the hormones that make us feel negative. One in 2010 in the magazine Psychological Science published study has shown that people whose frown muscles have been treated with Botox react more slowly to negative external impulses. They are less likely to get sad, as it were. Not that this is immediately blissful. Indeed, scientists have also argued that long-term Botox use can hamper the general ability to feel (both negative and positive) emotions.

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