The body shows how you are doing in various ways. A nice and easy way to health problems To detect, is to look at the skin. Depending on the nature of the problems, we can skin problems remedy well with skin care and treatments. Om skin problems To remedy this, we recommend that you also address deeper causes by, for example, changing your lifestyle or using multivitamins. Below are some of the most common skin problems and what the skin is actually trying to tell you.
Impurities are an indicator of many problems. The location where the pimples appear provides an indication of the cause.
Acne around the jawline may suggest that there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, such as during puberty. In this case, skin care products just not enough to treat the cause and the imbalance must be restored by, for example, reading Ralph Moorman's Hormone Diet. Impurities on other parts of the face can indicate other problems, for example that someone is suffering from stress or that the body is deficient in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. If acne is associated with hardening or thickening of the skin, you may also be deficient in vitamin A.
Dry, itchy, or pale skin can have various causes. The first thing to ask yourself is whether your skin needs moisture. Drinking plenty of water and using hydrating skin care products can already solve many hydration problems. It is also possible that the body is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. A lack of these fatty acids can slow down the natural exfoliation process, leading to skin that is too dry and itchy. Eating fatty acid-rich foods such as oily fish can remedy this problem.
Some people think dark circles or bags under their eyes mean they're tired. Sometimes this is also the case, but it can also be an indication of allergies, an early cold or a lack of iron. Puffiness and dark circles are usually caused by a lack of volume projection under the eyes because the cheekbone and the eye socket are slightly more backward. When you are ill or have lost a lot of weight, this volume deficit is amplified. Skin Care Products can sometimes help light and dark circles, making them less visible. However, they don't take the underlying health issues for white volume deficit Sun. You can slightly remedy the lack of volume under your eyes by gaining weight or living healthier. We can supplement the shortage of volume in our clinic with a filler when the causes mentioned above are not present.
Redness and patchy skin around the neck and face are usually related to stress or a digestive problem. If you think of a digestive disorder, avoid (fast) carbohydrates, spicy foods and increase your consumption of probiotics by taking yoghurt or other supplements, for example. If the red rash reaches a serious level (such as a butterfly on the cheeks), this could be an indication of an early lupus (autoimmune connective tissue disease). In this case, it is important to have this checked immediately by a doctor. The above disorders are just a few examples of skin problems that can be related to health problems. When skin care products don't work or there is doubt about what could be causing them, it's always wise to ask your doctor for information. In our clinic, you will receive good advice about the skin care products and don't be surprised if we also provide lifestyle advice or recommend dietary supplements.
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