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Vlog botox against excessive sweating reimbursed by insurer

Sometimes the health insurer reimburses botox in case of excessive sweating. However, whether the health insurer covers the costs of a botox treatment depends on the insurer that someone has and the severity of the complaints. Excessive sweating is experienced by many as disturbing and can be caused by genetic predisposition, diseases and hormonal or nervous disorders, but also by medication, for example.

Botox health insurance reimbursement

If the botox treatment for excessive sweating is now covered by your health insurance, you can submit the treatment invoice. You will then be reimbursed for the invoice. However, you often need additional insurance to be reimbursed for the botox treatment in case of excessive sweat production. The person undergoing the botox treatment for excessive sweating may be required or voluntarily to pay a deductible. A cosmetic treatment with botox has never been reimbursed by health insurers.

Botox costs reimbursed?

Learn more about botox for excessive sweating and whether its costs are covered by your insurer? Go to the website of Doctor Frodo Clinic or check out one of the others videos.

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