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Price beauty arrangement

Price beauty arrangement

For the best results, it is important to tackle all causes of skin aging. Skin improvement is not a stand-alone treatment but a treatment strategy in which the treatments work synergistically and connect to different causes of aging.

That is why we have drawn up a number of skin improvement programs with which we offer the right treatments for a year. Customized skin care.

Programma huidverbetering light
2x Botox behandeling€ 320,00
1x Angel lift light€ 800,00
2 x Glycolzuurpeeling of IPL€ 250,00
2 x Carboxytherapie€ 300,00
3 x SkinCare behandeling€ 240,00
2 x SKinCeuticals factor 30€ 60,00
3 x SkinCeuticals antioxidant serum-C€ 240,00
1 x Microneedlingroller€ –
Programmaprijs Light€ 1.750,00

Programma huidverbetering medium
1 x Angel lift medium€ 1.000,00
3 x Peeling gelaat of IPL€ 375,00
3 x SkinCare behandeling€ 240,00
3 x Carboxytherapie€ 400,00
1 x Microneedlingroller€ –
2 x SKinCeuticals factor 30€ 60,00
2 x SkinCeuticals antioxidant Phlorentin CF€ 280,00
Programmaprijs Medium€ 2.400,00

Programma huidverbetering Intense
3 x Botox behandeling 2 zones€ 900,00
2 x Angel lift intense€ 2.000,00
3 x Peeling gelaat€ 375,00
3 x Carboxytherapie€ 400,00
3 x SkinCare behandeling€ 240,00
3x Foto Facial met IPL€ 600,00
1 x Microneedlingroller€ –
3 x SKinCeuticals factor 30€ 93,00
3 x SkinCeuticals antioxidant Phlorentin CF€ 420,00
Programmaprijs Intense€ 3.800,00
