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Cheekbone treatment

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Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:35:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Do you want nicer cheekbones without cutting? It can be done with a simple filler. Because if you feel that your cheekbones are too small or that your face would be more beautiful if they were a little bigger, a cheekbone treatment with fillers is a great solution.

Cheekbone fillers

In the case of cheekbone treatment with fillers, hyaluronic acid fillers are injected onto the cheekbone. As a result, the face lifts slightly, as if you were a facelift you had. The nasolabial fold is decreasing, the marionette creases are decreasing and even the puffiness is becoming less visible. During the treatment, the volume of the filler is not only placed on the cheekbones, but also above and below them. This keeps everything in proportion and gives you the most natural result.

Improving cheekbones

Cheekbones are located at the front of the head, at the top of the cheek. The cheekbones are part of the skull and are part of the eye socket and the nasal cavity wall. The shape and position of the cheekbones affect the face. Are the cheekbones asymmetric? Or are the cheekbones simply not visible because they are underdeveloped? Then the appearance of the cheekbones can be improved by injecting fillers.

Cheekbone filler treatment

Do you opt for a cheekbone filler treatment? Then, the fillers are injected into the deep layers of the face. After treatment, temporary swelling and redness may occur. The filler treatment of the cheekbones must be repeated over time.