We've known for a long time that Frodo is a great cosmetic doctor. Less well known is his commitment as a trainer for Allergan (the pharmaceutical company that supplies its fillers). Around the world, Dr. Frodo is a popular trainer and speaker at cosmetic conferences. The training Tonight, Frodo is training a group of cosmetic doctors from a major chain in the Netherlands. After a busy day at work, the first doctors trickle in with curiosity. The spicy scent of carrot and lentil soup spreads in the clinic. While the trainees are quietly eating their soup, Frodo starts his training. Here he demonstrates how to carefully look at the anatomy of the face and the wishes of the customer. As a result of a complete analysis, a treatment plan will be drawn up and thoroughly explained. “Think first, act later” is the motto. To illustrate, Frodo opens a case of skulls to show how a male skull differs from a female skull, but also how an African skull differs from an Asian one. Because if the bone structure is different, the treatment must be adjusted. After the demonstration, the doctors are allowed to work themselves. The models brought with the doctors are viewed from all sides and the observations - although they are somewhat confronting for the models - are immediately shared. After everyone has presented their treatment plan, the training moves to the treatment rooms. This is where the tension is visibly rising among the doctors. A blonde lady around 30 is brave enough to kick things off and tells her plan, whereupon Frodo wants to know exactly what technique she wants to use. As a patient tutor, he assists the doctor during the treatment and takes over where necessary. “That was a bit of a sweat,” says the blonde lady when she has finished the treatment. The model nods in agreement and is now red from all the attention that has been drawn to her.
Why train?
I'm passionate about convincing other doctors that they can also treat naturally. I want to provide insight that, when they follow the right steps, it doesn't have to be difficult to treat beautifully. I used to have the idea that I should protect my way of working from other doctors. Now I'm just giving all the information I have to make people better, so that everyone can be treated nicely. Because that's what everyone who sits in your chair deserves, right?
How do you develop as a trainer?
I myself meet a number of times a year with a group of trainers from around the world. There I get training on how to develop in accordance with the latest developments in the technical field. For example, training can be about how to get certain materials to the right place or to minimize side effects after placing fillers. These training courses are completely independent of how to make someone happy and beautiful. This is much more in philosophy, art, ethics and psychology.
How does a cosmetic doctor make someone happy and beautiful?
My way of working is inspired by art, philosophy and psychology. These are themes in which I will continue to develop myself. I teach doctors to look at who is sitting in front of them and by that, I don't just mean what they see physically. I also teach them to look at the customer's emotional needs: how does that person feel, what does their posture say, what is the reason they want to undergo a cosmetic treatment at the moment? I provide doctors with tools and I really only want to teach people who I know have a good ethical and aesthetic compass. If you see that a customer says something that doesn't match their facial expressions or posture — and that's a lot — I think you should not ignore these observations as a doctor.
Are you a born teacher?
I've become a better trainer since I had kids. We do a large part of parenting intuitively, because that's how we learned it from our parents. Simon Sinek inspired me to delve into parenting. That's why I started reading a lot of parenting books, such as “How 2 talk 2 kids”, “Talking to kids” and “Parents are like people”. By gaining more knowledge about what research has shown and therefore works better, I have become better at raising my children and in my role as a trainer. After all, parenting and training have a lot in common: in both cases, you convey something. allergan trainer doctor frodo
What is your challenge as a trainer?
I used to think that if you know the truth and communicate it, the other person will accept it. Now I know that I should first investigate where someone's knowledge needs lie. I have become more aware of myself and others, partly thanks to training courses that I have followed, such as Inside Discovery and the DISC training. When you do something according to your intuition, you think you know how someone's brain works. By learning psychological models, I know that there are different types of people who absorb knowledge in a completely different way. I've learned that I first need to make people aware of what I want to teach them and wait for confirmation before I start. With this way of teaching, information actually arrives.
What do you need to be a good cosmetic doctor?
As a cosmetic doctor, you need a trinity of perfect execution, communication and systematic work to achieve a good end result. By creating a clear end goal without good communication, no doctor makes the customer happy. Just like a doctor who is good at communicating but lacks the right technique. Perfect execution is based on the knowledge of what a skull looks like, why someone has or does not have wrinkles and creases, and why one looks more beautiful than the other. This is based on how the fat, physiology, and anatomy look. I like to use the example of a tree. When something is wrong with the leaves of a tree, people look at the leaves. But by examining the leaves, they won't come to the underlying cause: do the juices actually rise well? It's the same with a face. I'm helping doctors look at this complex whole thing.
Wouldn't you like to work full-time as a trainer in order to have a wider reach?
My goal is to make people beautiful and happy, to inspire them to be happy with who they are. When I work three days a week, I do what I'm good at and work towards my goal. If I want to make a bigger difference, I need to teach more. So that more people are treated naturally, we look at whether they are happy in their lives and we work on self-acceptance. The combination I have now; working in the clinic and providing training, ensures that I maintain my passion for both. When I'm just teaching, I do work cognitively for a larger purpose, but the emotional burden of proof falls into the background. Now every week I see why I do my job. I get happy customers, better self-acceptance and therefore more bliss. The little luck is also nice. And the space to raise my children makes me a very happy man.
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