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Getting older and still staying young? healthy eating is the key!

More and more people who pay close attention to their health see responsible eating as a form of preventive medicine. Indeed, research into certain foods shows that various types of vegetables, fruit, proteins and herbs can be very useful in slowing down or preventing aging of your body. Almost all foods with an anti-aging effect are widely available and are very easy and tasty to incorporate into your daily meal. In the coming weeks, I'll help you get started with some tips for certain foods that have this anti-aging effect.


People who eat fish often are reaping the benefits of a plethora of anti-aging effects on their health! Fish oil helps for healthy brain activity, against cardiovascular diseases and Seven lowers blood pressure. People who suffer from inflammation or want to prevent it can eat fish to take advantage of the omega-3 fatty acids in the proteins. Eating fish twice a week would also help you live longer.


All berries help against aging because they contain so many antioxidants, but blueberries are the most useful anti-aging foods in this category. This is because dark berries contain the most antioxidants. In fact, research suggests that blueberries may prevent neurological decline and memory decline, and may even reverse its physical effects! Eating blueberries is also said to slow the growth of cancer cells.


If you want to keep healthy and thick hair when you get older, eat lots of carrots! They are full of vitamin A, which is essential for a healthy scalp and full hair. The beta carotene in carrots also makes them good for your eyes. Next week, read more about foods with anti-aging effects.