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Hanging corners of the mouth and RBF, what do you do about it?

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Tue, July 03, 2018 21:16:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

In this interview by Monique lime tree we're talking about the RBF, the Resting Bitch Face...

Why do we get the corners of our mouths drooping and look so sour as we get older. As we get older, our facial expressions take a walk with us. We make more forced smiles, sour mouths, our facial expressions seem enlarged compared to before. How does that sour face occur? Frodo Gaymans: “First of all, there is nothing better for me than looking at a face where the muscles move well. Mimicry is fascinating. Mimicry is the subtitle of the spoken word. '“But mimicry can also become tiring to watch when it says something other than the spoken word, when it doesn't match the emotion, or is (too) pronounced. Take, for example, the frowning look and sour mouth of someone who listens attentively or an exaggerated smile while talking to emphasize “friendliness.” A serene face also calms you down “It's well known that the more your interlocutor's facial expression matches the message, the more comfortable we generally feel with that person. It raises no unrest, no questions about reliability. The serenity in the other person's face also calms us down. ' Resting Bitch Face (RBF) As you get older, your face can also look angry in a relaxed state. That's not because you're not friendly, but because your face doesn't (anymore) match how you are when you're relaxing. Popularly, it becomes disrespect. the resting bitch face mentioned. Dr. Frodo explains: “Mimicry often gets stronger as you get older. The muscles in the face that pull down become stronger and have more space to move. The Resting Bitch Face is an irreverent term, but we do see exactly what this means on the Hillary's face. The discomfort of tightened muscles in a relaxed face “When the face is relaxed, the muscles that have downward force tighten more, causing, for example, the corners of the mouth to come down, the chin muscle to tighten and the frown lines become visible. So that has nothing to do with the (un) friendliness of the character. “The most striking are the faces that suddenly smile around your mouth while talking, out of the blue, while the rest of the time, the face looks more worried or angry in an almost relaxed state. The face is pulled up to show a desirable social face. Just when you're aware of your face, you're suddenly made to smile in a friendly way According to the doctor, you can therefore see that the moment someone has to “act” and becomes aware of their facial expression, the muscles that pull the face back up become tense. You show that a desirable social face. Politicians, but also posh older ladies, are doing this very clearly. Former politician Neelie Kroes is very skilled at this. Gravity makes your muscles work harder Frodo: “As you get older, you need your muscles more and more to keep your face up, as it were. If you relax the muscles, it will sag. 'The annoying thing is that if you are aware of that, you will also artificially tighten your muscles, and the moment you are not aware, they will sag again. That looks a bit strange and restless. “As a cosmetic doctor, the challenge for me is to make the rested face look really relaxed with treatments, and thus prevent that downward, angry effect. ' The looking in the mirror face Frodo wants to make people look good. Especially when they are not aware of their appearance, so they don't have to draw their mirror face every time: a face that you automatically draw when you look at yourself in the mirror. The difference between the conscious and unconscious faces According to Frodo, the smaller the difference between your conscious and unconscious face, the more pleasant that comes across, but also the more relaxing it is for you. Forced smiling inspires district Frodo: “If you pull your face into a socially desirable fold too often, it gives the other person the feeling that you want to have control over what you radiate. It is learned behavior, but not pleasant, because it exudes distrust. Like you actually want to manipulate the conversation. Because why would you want to look different the moment you become aware of it? “You're actually sending a signal that you want to pretend to be different from what you are. If that discrepancy isn't so present, you won't radiate it either. The moment you look the same consciously and unconsciously, you show that you have nothing to hide. How is that troubled face caused as you get older? “As you get older, your skull becomes smaller and, partly because of this, your skin also becomes wider. You can partially eliminate this by using your muscles more, but that is tiring and you can see that it is impossible: always keeping your face in the crease. “You can also remove the discrepancy with fillers, which reduces the difference between the size of your head and the space of your skin, and the skin sags less if you don't tighten your muscles for a while. But Frodo, what exactly can you do with fillers? There are two points of interest: the ligaments, and the space under the lower lip The attachment points “As a doctor, the trick is to focus on the ligaments and restore volume where you lost it. “The ligaments are the connection between bone and skin, the attachment muscles. These are spread across the face, for example on the cheekbone, temples and jawline. Tighten the ligaments again “The skin on the face hangs from the skull by means of ligaments. We place the fillers in exactly the right place so that we tighten the ligaments again and lift the skin. “But there is another important area and that is the mouth area. A lot of attention is paid to this by doctors, but mostly on the lips and not on the surrounding structures. Too much space under the lower lip 'I think that 80% of people over forty have a 'volume deficiency' in the mouth area, especially the area between the chin and the lower lip. That's where the biggest problem starts. Pinched lips “As a result, people will automatically contract the muscles in their mouth area, causing the lips to squeeze and the corners of the mouth to droop. If you overcome this volume deficit with fillers, the muscles relax and the balance in the oral region improves. Even the lips are getting bigger again and the line above the upper lip is getting smaller. The round mouth muscle also contracts the upper lip: the pleated skirt forms Frodo explains how it moves the large mouth muscle around the mouth like one muscle. If this muscle under the lip tightens more, it automatically contracts around the upper lip as well. Frodo knows that filling it at the bottom and creating a cushion improves support so that the entire mouth area relaxes more.

The muscle needs resistance, fillers provide that “A muscle will always look for a surface. Until the resistance is the same as the tensile force. You create that resistance with injectables. If that resistance isn't there, that muscle will keep pulling from that chin. '“You see it strongly in people with small teeth, or people who have their dentures out. They cannot find a “ground tone” with their muscles and will move their mouth region or jaws restlessly.

Example of a toothless face where the jaws collapse as does the mouth Why do we hear so little about this from doctors? “Many doctors go for the quick fix and don't really delve seriously into anatomy. You have to watch, look really closely and be able to analyze. As a doctor, when you really have the ability to look closely, you'll only see how much anxiety the mouth area can cause in a face. Knowledge, time and resources “The difficult thing is that a customer who wants nicer lips, for example, expects lip augmentation. As a doctor, you must therefore also have the knowledge, time and resources to explain the above to the customer. That is often the case. But that, of course, is your definition of beauty: a face without turmoil is more beautiful, more serene. Could someone else find it very characteristic? “Don't get me wrong, a big facial can also be a lot of fun, very unique. Above all, I want to show you why facial expressions grow larger as you get older and what processes take place in the face. “Such a powerful mimic is characteristic but can also be the pitfall that as you get older, you become a caricature of yourself. The shrinking skull “When you get older, there is fat loss. Your teeth and jaws are more backward and inward. Your skull is shrinking. The lack of wisdom teeth “We see this most strongly in people whose wisdom teeth have been pulled. Those molars have a tendency to push teeth forward. You don't like that when you're young, but when you get older, you could still benefit from it as pillars. “In short: normal aging is that your head gets smaller, your skin gets too big, because it gets too big, it goes down and that's why you get more lines and more downward weight that you can lift by tightening your muscles. What you want to achieve is that you no longer need your muscles to keep your face looking and stay looking good even if you don't feel like having to do it all the time. Without resistance, muscles contract harder “The more space a muscle has in an aging, sagging face, the harder it squeezes. He no longer has the resistance of thick, young skin. “A young person can smile beautifully, an older person can't. Those cheeks open, because of the thin skin. What you need is volume... “So don't do muscle tension exercises either, because that's not the problem. It's about loss of volume. The muscle has that grip, that resistance no longer. You have to create another 'embedding', a cushion that surrounds the muscle. Then the softness comes back to the face. '