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Laser treatment

How safe is laser treatment?

Lasers have recently been increasingly tailored to the skin. As a result, the risk of complications has become very small. However, there is a clear difference in recovery time for different people. Recovery time can be very annoying, especially if you count on a short recovery time and you still need a few more days. Socially, that can be very annoying. The word laser is originally an abbreviation of Lnight Aamplification by Ssimulated Emission of Radiation, in Dutch: light amplification through stimulated radiation emission. Lasers are designed to stimulate/target a specific part of the skin (all pigment or just a blood vessel or collagen). We use the ALMA Harmony laser. Because it can work with different types of laser light, we can determine which type of laser light we should use for each specific person/complaint. As a result, the risk of complications is very small. Wrinkle treatments with CO2 lasers are far less specific. CO2 lasers burn the skin, causing it to break down in the surface and become smoother due to the newly formed collagen. By dividing the CO2 laser beam into small pieces, you get the fractional CO2 laser. This damages 20-50% of the skin surface, making healing slightly less intense. Due to the high risk of complications and a “downtime” of weeks and months, WE DO NOT USE CO2 LASERS.