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Itchy skin? botox is the solution!

Is Botox a “miracle cure”. Over the years, it has been found that Botox 'improves' more than just appearance. Botox works against wrinkles, sweating, incontinence, muscle spasms, migraines, headaches and now against itching. Recently, it has been shown that Botox can be an effective treatment for skin conditions where you suffer from itching, such as extreme. Researchers at Edinburgh University discovered dramatic reduction in symptoms after treating patients with Botox in the itchy areas. This study, for example, treated a woman who had been suffering from itching on her arms and torso for 12 years. After treatment, her symptoms had almost disappeared. Another example is a 55-year-old woman who had an extremely itchy forehead when she was 6 years old. The treatment with Botox injections was here another success!

Does this mean that Botox always works against itching?

No, but it does seem like it could be a good solution for patients who respond poorly to current treatments. A major study is currently underway into the treatment of eczema and psoriasis with carboxytherapy. Despite the fact that the research has not been fully completed yet, the results so far are promising.