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Laser against couperose, skin rejuvenation or laser skin improvement is becoming a reserved treatment

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Wed Dec 09 2015 08:58:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Laser treatment

Can lasers and similar treatments be used safely for cosmetic purposes on the skin? Lasers can be used for skin improvement, skin rejuvenation, against couperose, pigment spots, but also wrinkles or hair, for example, can be removed permanently. However, serious complications can occur. That's why the RIVM (the Minister of Health) wants laser skin treatments to only be performed by professionals who are legally authorized to do so. This legal jurisdiction is regulated in the Big Act. (Big register) Addition: As of March 21, 2016:RIVM report policy response: “Lasering and related treatments as a reserved action in the BIG Act. When lasers and the like are used, energy is supplied to the skin, for example by converting light into heat. This removes or “damages” parts of the skin, such as hair, and “cauterizes” blood vessels to make them disappear. A laser treatment can also trigger a skin renewal process, for example when treating acne scars or reducing wrinkles. Due to the risk of complications, it is important that qualified doctors and skin therapists have sufficient knowledge and experience with the equipment they work with. The RIVM study shows that this must be a prerequisite. The Big Act is a quality law that protects patients against improper and careless use of medical techniques. In order to maintain the quality of health care, this law specifies who can perform which treatments. In the future, this law will also apply to cosmetic, laser skin improvement. All doctors and skin therapists who work with lasers must be included in BIG register (Individual Health Care Occupations), including Your doctors. See gentleman the report or visit the RIVM website. Laserbehandelingen-tegen-couperose-pigment-laserontharing-of-voor-huidverbetering-in-wet-Big.pdf Laser treatments against rosacea, pigment, laser hair removal or for skin improvement with laser in wet Big?


March 21, 2016 policy response report rivm: lasers and related treatments as reserved acts in the big rivm skippers Act

from Dr. Frodo Gaymans