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Lower eyelid correction

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:42:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Lower eyelid correction is a great treatment if you have too much skin under the eyes. But how does lower eyelid correction work? During a lower eyelid correction, a piece of skin is removed. This reduces puffiness or dark circles. The result lasts for a long time. However, there are also risks to the treatment. Because if too much skin is removed, it will have to be repaired. Otherwise, there is a risk that the eye will remain open and tear.

What is a lower eyelid correction

Lower eyelid correction is a relatively minor surgical procedure. Almost all puffiness involves bulging fat under the eyes. Because of this fat, puffiness does not go away on its own, even after a good night's sleep. The fat can be removed with a lower eyelid correction. The fat was removed through a small incision. If there is still too much skin left after removing the fat, it can be decided to cut away the skin on the outside.

Blepharoplasty vs. Fillers

More than 80% of people with bags under the eyes are considering a lower eyelid correction. With fillers However, the same result can be achieved without cutting. This is because with fillers under the eyes, you have no downtime, also known as recovery time. The next day, you can do almost everything again. In addition, the risks of complications with lower eyelid correction are much higher. A filler to remove puffiness can also cause complications, but these are actually negligible. In the unlikely event that there are bumps hyaluronic acid filler arise, then these are easy to solve with a antidote. The agent is injected and the hyaluronic acid dissolves.