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Blog post

Skin treatment with blood, beauty through healthy living

PRP (plasma skin enhancement) treatment PRP is a new and advanced treatment for skin improvement. You are being treated with the power of your own blood! As part of these treatments, we will post a series of blogs about blood and the relationship between blood, beauty and health. As we have seen, the proper functioning of the blood and the bloodstream are essential for our health. But now the pressing question: how does this translate to your beauty? The link between blood, health and beauty lies in the skin. The most dreaded beauty and age-related ailments are usually related to the skin — such as wrinkles, puffiness, loss of volume, etc. Skin and blood are very closely linked. As a result, what you eat and drink, as well as your overall health and blood and bloodstream health, have a immediate effect on your beauty. This is because the different layers of the skin are full of blood vessels for the supply and removal of oxygen and other nutrients. Because these blood vessels are so close to the surface of the visible part of our body, any damage to your overall internal health quickly becomes externally visible. The skin is the mirror of our health and this is because of the blood. As an example, I'll mention the effects of smoking. Smoking tobacco causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the skin. As a result, the blood cannot provide nutrients and oxygen and cannot remove bad substances. As a result, the health of the cells becomes suboptimal. It is known that smokers start to suffer from wrinkles 20 years earlier than non-smokers. The same principle also applies to diseases and other unhealthy living habits. If you are not well, you do not look healthy. And this is due to the interaction of blood and skin.

The link between blood and old age

There's also one to make a link between old age, blood and beauty. The effect of old age is actually the same as with poor health or habits — the body's ability to function optimally decreases and this is visible due to the close connection between blood and skin. However, old age is a natural process, over which we first have less and ultimately no control. All the important organs (the heart, lungs, liver, etc.), as well as the veins and blood vessels, lose their optimal capacity with age. Oxygen and the nutrients that are good for us no longer end up equally everywhere and waste will accumulate more and more. Due to age, the blood vessels in the skin will be less able to do their jobs. That's why, for example, we get more and more wrinkles as we get old. In previous blogs:

  • Introduction
  • Skin improvement with blood — the functions of blood
  • Skin treatment with blood, keep your blood healthy
  • Skin treatment with blood, exercise is necessary!

In our next blog, we'll discuss:

  • Healthy lifestyle = healthy blood = aging beautifully