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Top 5 popular cosmetic treatments among celebrities

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Fri Mar 25 2016 07:42:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Many celebrities do it, but only a few dare to talk about it: undergoing cosmetic treatments. In the program Sophie in the creases investigates presenter Sophie Hilbrand the taboo surrounding cosmetic procedures. Immediately after the first episode was broadcast, there was a riot; in the program, a GTST actress told Sophie that she uses botox. However, the woman changed her mind and wanted to prevent the broadcast. The soap star even threatened legal action if the revelation did appear in the program.

Celebrities and botox

But why are celebrities afraid to talk openly about the fact that they botox, fillers or have undergone another cosmetic treatment? Every year, people spend a lot of money on clothes, hairdressers or beauticians, but are afraid to believe they have had a cosmetic procedure. And that while you look rested and positive after a botox or filler treatment. You no longer look angry and you get a younger and fresh look. The treatments are safe, almost painless and relatively simple. Nothing to be ashamed of, right?

Top 5 Cosmetic Treatments

The fact is that celebrities are in the spotlight a lot. Then a look at your aging face, but also the audience's comments that follow, can be quite confronting. only Linda de MoAl talks openly about her interventions. Melisa (Andy van der Meijde's wife) and Samantha de Jong (Barbie) have no hesitation at all and even take the cameras into the cosmetic clinic. In addition, Angela Groothuizen, Astrid Joosten, Patricia Paay, Bridget Maasland and Babette van Veen also admitted to using botox in an interview. The following 5 cosmetic treatments are most popular among celebrities:

1. Botox or fillers

2. Breast correction

3. Contour enhancement

4. Blepharoplasty

5. Laser skin tightening

Non-operative treatments most popular

Non-operative cosmetic corrections are still number 1, as the techniques are getting better and the recovery time and impact are much smaller. For example, fillers can be used to tackle skin volume loss in no time, without having to cut. And wrinkles are quickly a thing of the past with a treatment with botox. Also combined treatments such as the liquid facelift are on the rise, where botox and fillers are used together.