When you are pregnant, there is a lot going on in your body. Hormones fly from left to right and that also has an effect on your skin. For example, disfiguring stretch marks arise, but you can also suffer from a pregnancy mask. Skin disorders that are not serious in themselves, but can be experienced as annoying or annoying. Fortunately, most disappear or become less noticeable after pregnancy. And should traces remain, in many cases something can be done about it.
Are you pregnant or do you want to get pregnant in the future? You can expect the following changes when it comes to your skin:
Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, a dilation of blood vessels occurs. This can cause “spider webs”. The blood vessels in your legs can also widen, causing varicose veins. As many as 40% of women experience this during their pregnancy.
In case of pigmentation or a pregnancy mask, a peeling often outcome. The top layer of skin is effectively removed by means of a peeling. Fresh, new skin cells come out from under this old layer of skin. Carboxytherapy, laser country microneedling effectively combat stretch marks or stretch marks. In addition, I recommend that you use our Tretinoin cream (vitamin A acid) for stretch marks, the only cream that shows good skin improvement.
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