Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result

Complaints and disputes

We see a complaint as an opportunity to improve our processes. You can submit your complaint via the form below, after which the management will contact you. For a personal explanation, you can also reach out directly to the management.

Doctor Jip during a consult at Kliniek Dokter Frodo

Clinic doctor frodo

Speak directly

The fastest way to address the cause of your complaint is to express it directly without delay. This allows you to discuss your experience with the person you believe is responsible for what went wrong.

clinic doctor frodo

Submit in writing to the management

If your complaint concerns a staff member or you feel it has not been adequately addressed by those directly involved, you can submit your complaint in writing to the management. The management will review the complaint internally and work towards a solution or invite you for a discussion. Together, you can explore how the issue can be resolved. Such a conversation often helps to prevent further misunderstandings.

Consulent Roxanne toont een Visia-foto aan een cliënt, waarbij gedetailleerde huidanalyse wordt besproken voor een persoonlijk behandelplan.

Clinic doctor frodo


Since the management handles complaints primarily through direct communication, the resolution timeframe is generally short. The goal is to resolve complaints within two to four weeks.

clinic doctor frodo

Complaints committee

The complaints procedure at Kliniek Dokter Frodo complies with the Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Care Act (Wkkgz).

Do you have a complaint about your treatment? First, discuss it with your treating physician. If you are unable to resolve it together or prefer not to contact the clinic or physician directly, you can address your complaint with an independent complaints officer.

Clinic doctor frodo


At Clinic Doctor Frodo, we believe that you should be able to decide what you want to look like. Beauty is not what others think, but the positive appearance you have, your face and your own unique appearance. It's about what makes you feel good.https://www.dokh.nl/klachten-en-geschillenregeling/patient/een-klacht-over-uw-arts
Of telefonisch via 072-520 83 25 (bereikbaar dagelijks van 9.00-15.00 uur).

De klachtenfunctionaris ondersteunt je bij het aangaan van een gesprek met de kliniek over je klacht en kan ook bij dit gesprek aanwezig zijn. De klachtenfunctionaris heeft uiteraard een geheimhoudingsplicht en bespreekt jouw klacht alleen met anderen na jouw goedkeuring.

clinic doctor frodo

The assistance of a complaints officer is free of charge for you

If this approach does not lead to a solution that is acceptable to you, you can escalate your complaint to a dispute. The complaints officer will guide you through this process. Your complaint will then be submitted to the recognized disputes committee to which DOKh is affiliated. However, there are costs associated with involving the disputes committee geschillencommissie.

Dokter Frodo voert een fillerbehandeling uit bij een cliënt, waarbij precisie en expertise worden toegepast voor een natuurlijk en harmonieus resultaat.


Complaints Form

If you would like to submit a complaint, please fill out the form below. We will ensure that your complaint is handled with the utmost attention and care. After submitting the form, our management team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss and resolve the matter.[Insert form fields for name, contact details, description of the complaint, etc.]Thank you for sharing your feedback. We value your input and are committed to resolving any concerns you may have.

Icoontje van een wolkje, symbool voor communicatie of gesprekken, vaak gebruikt om tekstberichten of dialoog aan te geven.
Thank you! We'll get back to you soon

We have received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team is dedicated to providing the best support and we appreciate your patience.

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