Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result
Skin therapist Daniele, specialized in skin improvement and performing advanced treatments at Clinic Doctor Frodo.


Skin Therapist

nVCG member

BIG no

“The enthusiastic feedback from clients about their experience and successful results gives me satisfaction and the energy to work at Clinic Doctor Frodo's Skin Center every day.”

As a skin therapist, I stand for professionalism, honesty and customer satisfaction. During a treatment, I want to give people a familiar feeling and a pleasant experience. I attach great importance to careful consultation with the client about their expectations and what (combined) treatment options I can offer. This is how we come up with a customized treatment plan together.