Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result
Consultant Daphné, responsible for advising clients on treatment options and creating personal treatment plans at Doctor Frodo Clinic.



nVCG member

BIG no

“When people say they're happy after a treatment, not just with the result, but with the whole experience, that gives me a lot of energy.”

“I'd love to have a conversation. As a consultant, I want to make my clients feel welcome and comfortable. Because I never judge people, I notice that I can quickly have an open conversation. I'm always looking forward to new encounters and stories! That's why I feel so comfortable here. There is often so much more behind someone's desire to get a fresher look! To hear the story behind it, and to talk about it, gives me satisfaction.”