Logo van Kliniek Dokter Frodo, een high-end cosmetische kliniek in Amsterdam gespecialiseerd in natuurlijke en niet-chirurgische behandelingen.
Always a natural result
Cosmetic doctor Jip, specialized in non-surgical aesthetic treatments and providing personal care at Kliniek Dokter Frodo.


Cosmetic doctor

nVCG member

BIG no


Dr. Jip is a doctor who effortlessly combines technical expertise with a warm and empathetic approach. His keen eye for detail and in-depth knowledge of aesthetic treatments make him an exceptional cosmetic doctor.

Whether it's about losing volume, correcting asymmetry, or reducing lines, Doctor Jip works with a steady hand and a keen eye for perfection. He explains clearly what to expect and gives honest advice — even if that means advising you not to undergo treatment.

Patients quickly feel at ease because of his calm and patient way of working.

Dr. Jip takes the time to really listen to your story and understand what matters to you. He carefully analyses your face, looks at its anatomy and harmony, and pinpoints exactly what subtle adjustments are needed to enhance your natural appearance. No overtreatment or standard solutions, but a personal approach that is fully in line with Kliniek Dokter Frodo's vision. safety, quality and natural beauty.